Search Switzerland

Find the nearest place to get tested and treated for infections listed below.
More sites are constantly being added.

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    in     44 countries
Please, register and include your services in the European Test Finder

We need your help to make sure as many testing and treatment sites as possible are included. If you represent a site offering any of these services in the wider European region, please make sure to register to include your site on this website. For easy instructions, please watch our short video on Youtube: Instructional video

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This is the first version of the new European Test Finder, which replaces the previous European Test Finder. The previous version is not being updated and will be discontinued shortly. This website will constantly be updated with new testing sites and new information.

If you need to reach us, please send us an email:

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Found 6 matching results. The search results only show sites which match all the services selected. For more results, narrow your search criteria!

Checkpoint Zürich

Last updated: 11 November, 2021



Konradstrasse 1

+41 44 455 59 10

Services offered: HIV testing, HIV treatment (ART), Viral Hepatitis testing, Viral Hepatitis treatment, STI testing, Testing related counselling, STI treatment, PrEP, PEP, Referral for prevention, treatment and care services, Psychosocial counselling and support, Needle-syringe programmes (harm reduction), Other, specify

STIs tested for: Syphilis, Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, Other, specify

Referral for test: Unnecessary

Anonyme HIV und STI Teststelle

Last updated: 07 December, 2021



Freiburgstrasse 16p

031 632 632 6

Services offered: HIV testing, HIV treatment (ART), Viral Hepatitis testing, Viral Hepatitis treatment, STI testing , Testing related counselling, STI treatment, PrEP, PEP, Referral for prevention, treatment and care services, Psychosocial counselling and support, Contraception & sexual health counselling, family planning

STIs tested for: Syphilis, Chlamydia, Gonorrhea

Referral for test: Unnecessary

Arud Zentrum für Suchtmedizin

Last updated: 20 June, 2022



Schützengasse 31

058 360 50 00

Services offered: HIV testing, HIV treatment (ART), Viral Hepatitis testing, Viral Hepatitis treatment, STI testing, Tuberculosis services, Opioid substitution treatment (OST), Testing related counselling, STI treatment, PrEP, PEP, Psychosocial counselling and support, Contraception & sexual health counselling, family planning, Needle-syringe programmes (harm reduction), Other, specify

STIs tested for: Syphilis, Chlamydia, Gonorrhea

Referral for test: Unnecessary

Infektiologie Kantonsspital Baden

Last updated: 02 August, 2023


5404 Baden

Im Ergel 1

056 486 25 84

Services offered: HIV testing, HIV treatment (ART), Viral Hepatitis testing, Viral Hepatitis treatment, STI testing, Tuberculosis services, Testing related counselling, STI treatment, PrEP, PEP, Referral for prevention, treatment and care services, Other, specify

Referral for test: Information not provided


Last updated: 14 August, 2023



Rue du Grand Pré 9

022 906 40 30

Information not provided

Services offered: HIV testing, HIV treatment (ART), Viral Hepatitis testing, Viral Hepatitis treatment, STI testing,

Referral for test: Information not provided

checkin Zollhaus

Last updated: 21 June, 2024



Zollstrasse 121

044 5004646

Services offered: HIV testing, HIV treatment (ART), Viral Hepatitis testing, Viral Hepatitis treatment, STI testing, Tuberculosis services, Testing related counselling, STI treatment, PrEP, PEP, Referral for prevention, treatment and care services, Contraception & sexual health counselling, family planning, Partner notification & testing

STIs tested for: Syphilis, Chlamydia, Gonorrhea

Referral for test: Unnecessary