Last updated: 08 August, 2023
Piotrkowska 5 -
48 737 443 873
Services offered: HIV testing, Viral Hepatitis testing, STI testing
Testing related counselling, Psychosocial counselling and support
Referral for test: Unnecessary
Testing site opening hours: Jesteśmy otwarci w Poniedziałki i Środy i Piątki w godzinach 16,00-19,00 - możliwość wykonania testu i odbioru wyniku badania . We are open on Mondays and Wednesdays and Fridays from 16,00 to 19,00- you can make test for HIV,HCV and syphilis and gets yours results.
Testing site type: Community based setting (non-hospital)
Target population: All, General population, Youth, People who use drugs, LGBTQI*, Migrants, People involved in sex work, People in prison